Oriental acupuncture is a deceptively simple form of medical treatment involving the insertion of extremely fine needles into carefully located parts of the body. However, behind this apparently straightforward act sits a huge body of knowledge and philosophy, tried and tested over thousands of years and on millions of people.
If one word had to be chosen to represent my view on health it would be 'balance'. Enough rest, enough play, enough work, enough love and enough laughter, at the right time and in the right amount. This is our daily challenge, as any excess or deficiency leads to imbalance and eventually dis-ease.
Human beings are hugely complex both physically and psychologically. The holistc framework of Chinese Medicine allows the practitioner insight into the heart of the patient's life and condition, taking into account all of the contributory factors that can result in illness. My aim is to awaken and assist the body's own powerful and natural self-healing mechanisms and empower my patient to take part in this process.
A symptom is a sign of disharmony within the individual, indicating that they have fallen out of balance. The symptom itself may be the same in many patients, for example back pain, but the causes can be for a myriad of different reasons. So a different treatment approach is needed in each scenario, to reach beyond the symptom to the cause. This is how we define 'holistic' healthcare, the need to look at each individual and their health as unique to them and their circumstances. This holism sits at the very heart of my practice.
People appreciate the attention to detail and depth of analysis that an acupuncture consultation and treatment provides. This space often allows time for reflection and understanding of how, where and when their lives fell out of balance, giving valuable insight into how best to move forward, fix or transcend their problem. This often allows for a fresh perspective that helps them cope better with the challenges they face.
Sometimes we just don't feel ourselves, which is not always detectable on the usual medical markers like blood tests and scans. However, we do know what it feels like to feel well and a course of acupuncture can often restore this sense of harmony and well-being.
If you have any specific questions with regards to your own health needs, and how I may be able to help you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very best wishes,
Craig Minto MBAcC
Acupuncturist and Reiki Master
Est 2000 © Craig Minto
If one word had to be chosen to represent my view on health it would be 'balance'. Enough rest, enough play, enough work, enough love and enough laughter, at the right time and in the right amount. This is our daily challenge, as any excess or deficiency leads to imbalance and eventually dis-ease.
Human beings are hugely complex both physically and psychologically. The holistc framework of Chinese Medicine allows the practitioner insight into the heart of the patient's life and condition, taking into account all of the contributory factors that can result in illness. My aim is to awaken and assist the body's own powerful and natural self-healing mechanisms and empower my patient to take part in this process.
A symptom is a sign of disharmony within the individual, indicating that they have fallen out of balance. The symptom itself may be the same in many patients, for example back pain, but the causes can be for a myriad of different reasons. So a different treatment approach is needed in each scenario, to reach beyond the symptom to the cause. This is how we define 'holistic' healthcare, the need to look at each individual and their health as unique to them and their circumstances. This holism sits at the very heart of my practice.
People appreciate the attention to detail and depth of analysis that an acupuncture consultation and treatment provides. This space often allows time for reflection and understanding of how, where and when their lives fell out of balance, giving valuable insight into how best to move forward, fix or transcend their problem. This often allows for a fresh perspective that helps them cope better with the challenges they face.
Sometimes we just don't feel ourselves, which is not always detectable on the usual medical markers like blood tests and scans. However, we do know what it feels like to feel well and a course of acupuncture can often restore this sense of harmony and well-being.
If you have any specific questions with regards to your own health needs, and how I may be able to help you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very best wishes,
Craig Minto MBAcC
Acupuncturist and Reiki Master
Est 2000 © Craig Minto